Monday, 20 May 2013


How can I get deep sleep and rest after hard work- Is not something impossible to achieve if you take the proper steps and precautions. More often than not, people resort to the extreme, such as drinking booze thinking that it will help them get deep sleep and rest, when in reality, it will do more damage than good. We  have all seen concrete research evidence about sleep caps actually disrupting sleep, and here’s the reason.  Below are the 6 sure-fire ways to ensure you do not deprived yourself of quality night sleep and rest.
1.  To get a healthy deep sleep can be achieve by picking up a hobby that is calming for you and ensuring that you make out time for yourself after work to do it. Allot at least 60 minutes before bed to do your hobby. It can be anything from reading, listening to nice music of your choice (for me classical music and blues can do the magic) to playing computer games – just anything that can lead to concentration and relaxation of your mind. Let the hobby be the type that can calm your mind down and get you sleep well.
2.  Another thing that most people tend to overlook when trying to get a good night sleep is drinking enough pure water. Water helps to cool your blood stream and body when you are tensed. When you are dehydrated, you become restless and that affect the quality of your sleep. You must discipline yourself to drink enough water, if you really want to get deep sleep.
So when we don’t get sufficient hydration-what happen, we feel thirsty and anxious and that affect the quality and quantity of your  night sleep.
3.  Sex is a wonderful sleep inducer – After the day hustling ,if you can’t sleep deeply, find a good sex partner-it is done. “Those feel-good chemicals linger after organism, helping you fall asleep more quickly…Adding sex to your bedtime routine can  help to cure insomnia.” Marie Claire
Chat with your best lover before going to bed if she/he is not readily available for sex. These days, there are various means you can easily connect with your loved one-you can call or chat on social Medias like Facebook. This keeps you in happy frame of mind before bed time
4.  Engaging in physical activities during the day will help you feel weak and when you are tired, you sleep well. Activities such as swimming ,casual walking, Leisurely sports ( like table tennis,
playing catch),skipping and Jogging/Running will enhance your breathing, and  relax nervous muscles, When your system is relaxed you sleep better and deeply. Somebody that is tired sleeps well and rest better. Avoid strenuous exercise.
5.  Get rid of the day troubles from your mind! Clear your mind of potential problems you came across during the day. Dwelling on them during bed time will keep your mind unnecessarily  busy, making it hard for you to easily fall asleep. You can handle those issues the next day and besides, chances of getting solution after a deep sleep are high. So why depriving yourself one of the best free gift of nature.
6.  How can I get deep sleep – Try laughter ,stay away from drugs , alcohol and caffeine  at least 4-6 hours before going to bed. Don't spend another night staring at the ceiling. 
Pay Close Attention Here-
Take few minutes to read the next page and you will discover a stunning trick which will show you how to get deep sleep within 3 days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page and learn “weird” tips and Tricks of achieving healthy deep sleep-Click Here

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